Healers and Helpers for Hectic Times

healers and helpers

It is without question that there's a lot going on right now. We are staring down an election taking place tomorrow and for many of us, the tension has hit a fever pitch. That said, on Wednesday morning, there will still be a lot of work ahead to heal ourselves, our relationships, our communities, and ultimately mother earth. 

I have learned time and time again, though, it has to start within. It starts with you first. For that very reason, and as a way to distract yourself from overanalyzing polls, opinions, and early vote counts, here are a few of my favorite tools for healing and guidance:

YOGA NIDRA || I am a true believer in the power of 'yogic sleep' meditation. I teach it often for companies and individuals all around Washington. But, what you may not know is there are a number of free guided meditations online. You can access some of mine here. And one of my favorites on youtube right here.  

MASSAGE  || I do not hide my love of bodywork. Indeed, if I could get a massage every week - I would, and one day I hope to support my body with that healing. It's incredible for your circulation, your lymphatic system, your nervous system, and there is no denying the healing power of touch. So book yourself even a 30 minute session, to get out of your head, and back into the wisdom of your body. 

GET IT ON PAPER || Journaling is one of the best ways to get the stream of fears, anxieties, and worries, all out of your sneaky subconscious, and into the front and center of your awareness. That way, you can actually DEAL with what's plaguing you. When we shine a light on our issues, a curious thing happens. We realize, they may not be the giant mountains we thought they were, but instead just a little hill here or there to summit. A great practice here is to get frustrations out. Confront them all  honestly, and then rip that piece of paper up into shreds. A wonderful metaphor for facing, and conquering fears. 

NOURISH || Our digestion doesn't work as effectively when we're stressed. Now is the time to find easy-to-digest, nourishing meals to give that system a break. Soups like this one are a great idea. Healing rice and bean dishes like this one is another beautiful option. 

FIND A HEALER || My clients are always surprised when I tell them I work with my own mentors, healers and guides all the time. I have an amazing acupuncturistastrologist, intuitive healer, and even a kinesiologist (among many others!) I work with when I need some outside help. I think there is always room to grow, and it's so beneficial to work with a trained expert who can widen your perspective, and shine a light on your blindspots.

However things shake out tomorrow, remember that focusing on healing yourself is a beautiful step on the journey of healing this country, and this world. 

Joanna Andreae