Friday Favorites | Week Number 1

friday favorites October 14

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens... 

Just kidding. But seriously I DO have a few favorite things that I have really been crunching on lately. And instead of sharing things one off with clients here and there I'm committing to sharing with you on a semi-regular basis, products, ingredients, ideas and all sorts of things that are inspiring me. Here we go week number one! 

I am obsessed with this book and sharing it with everyone I know. It's all about how the little things we do (or don't do) on a daily basis compound over time to make our lives successful...or not so successful. Not to be missed!
These exquisite Beeswax Candles actually purify the air as they burn, which is sadly the opposite of what many other fragrance-full ones do. And they also smell like honey. I'm so in love.
I just pre-ordered Invincible Living from my favorite teacher in California, Guru Jugat. Literally cannot wait for it to arrive.

Deeply enjoying this beautiful 'sun protect' cream from Feather Eagle Sky. Exquisite, handmade, completely natural products and this woman's instagram account is not to be missed. Super authentic, unique, and all about mama nature. 

Free livestream Kundalini classes at RA MA TV. I check the schedule often to share them with my clients and take-in livestream sessions over here on the East Coast whenever I can. 

My friend Lauren Nixon's new Weekly Newsletter. If you haven't signed up for it yet, you should. She is hilarious and has the most wonderful cooking tips, tricks, and inspirations to share with you each week. I think she is just rad. 

Good fats. Great Ghee. I go through the 32 oz jar faster than I'd like to admit. But seriously, fat is the new 'black' so get some good fat and do your digestive tract, your skin, your hair, and your overall glow some favors. Seriously, ghee is my favorite beauty food.

If anyone is trying to figure out what to get me (or anyone else on their list for that matter) for Christmaukkah this is the place

Finally. I've discovered a natural deodorant that actually works. Thank you so much to Washington's Green Grocer for opening my eyes to this wonderful product. You guys rock.