Reflections of Fullness


On this full moon, I find myself hearkening back to all that has transpired in the last cycle. A full spectrum of emotion and experience can be encapsulated in about thirty days. In an effort to honor our shared human experience of highs and lows, a few reflections below: 

ONE MONTH AGO | I had just returned from the Bay Area and was preparing to circle up with a group of women for the last full moon. We did a special meditation to balance the ovaries and just a few days later I found out a friend who had been trying to get pregnant for a while had successfully conceived. She credited the circle and that meditation as a key part in the process. I was full of awe and joy.

THREE WEEKS AGO |  I held my second “mini” retreat for prosperity and fulfillment. Within two days I received responses from attendees that they were already seeing major shifts in their lives – from actually receiving a large amount of money in the form of compensation for extra work to one attendee finding an inner strength she never knew she had. I felt catalyzed to continue to pull on this thread through digital group coaching. I was full of inspiration and energy.

TWO WEEKS AGO | I found myself in Richmond, VA for the second of two Mental Resilience Speaking Engagements I was holding for my former employer. I felt a deep peace and understanding that my own stress in the corporate world made me empathize in a way many cannot as I prepared to deliver the gift of accessible meditation and breath work. Again I received incredible feedback from attendees with true appreciation for techniques to feel better in the body. I was full of perspective, reflecting on the circles of evolution possible in life.

ELEVEN DAYS AGO | I learned that sweet Wesley, a nine-year-old boy of a dear friend had passed away in a tragic accident at school.  I - as all who knew him -  was blindsided and hit by a dark wave of grief.  I wanted to explain it, understand it, and process it. I struggled. I had no answers. I was full of shock and mourning

FOUR DAYS AGO |  Deeply supported by an incredible community, I graduated from Level I Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. An experience that has transformed me personally and has woven inextricably into my work in the world. I felt full of blessings and gratitude.

TODAY | My father turns 79. Or, in his words, celebrates the 50th anniversary of his 29th birthday. I am full of admiration, respect, and love for him and his own journey of pain, triumph, grief, and healing. 

Today I also prepare to teach again - starting the cycle once more this evening with a special meditation circle for the women of Washington. An honoring and healing of what's been, a letting go of unhelpful burdens, and a space for intuitive and intentional connection to oneself on this power day. A teacher who is also a student of the great mysteries of life. 

Full moons are an opportunity for full feelings – to allow what needs expressing to rise and move through us more freely. The iceberg of our stuffed negative emotions can thaw under the light of a full moon. There’s no need to kid ourselves on a full moon – instead we can surrender to the bright invitation to safely open and elevate what is longing to rise up. Maybe like me, you feel a complex mixture of grief, joy, admiration, respect, and excitement. Maybe you too can allow some space to float the depths of what has been denied up to the surface - so it may breathe, process, and one day release. 

Whatever you feel tonight, may you give yourself the space to honor it, to find and understand the you of you even more. May the brightness of this moon light a path as you continue to walk towards your highest destiny.

And may this next cycle – whatever it brings – lend us all an eye of gratitude for every single precious breath we share with others on this planet.