Magnificent Monday | Episode 25

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Inspired chocolates made by a woman in D.C., a yoga class for prosperity, a tea shop to charm and delight, a mantra for empowerment, and more to make your week magnificent. 

INSPIRATION: This is my new chocolate dealer in D.C. She's just getting started making high-end, divinely-inspired, small-batch treats but this woman is going to help a lot of people through the healing art of chocolate. Right now her treats are sold at Dorjee Momo and Calabash but follow her closely and perhaps request your own batches when she releases more later next month...

NOURISHMENT: And since I'm on a chocolate kick this morning, here is a flourless chocolate cake recipe that is as delicious as it is pretty. 

PROSPERITY: The next Kundalini class in D.C. I'm teaching focuses exclusively on inviting prosperity, abundance and generosity into your life. Join us here

HAVEN: A not-at-all new tea shop in Georgetown that is cozy and perfect. 

MIND-BLOWN: Apparently we have discovered a galaxy with little to no dark matter. This quick read is interesting and has spectacular photos at the end. I love space. 

SOUND TECHNOLOGY: Lately I've been listening to this mantra to balance the brain and purify the body. Plus, it's beautiful.