

In high school we had an extraordinary Religious Studies teacher. At a special pre-graduation ceremony, she gave each senior, based on her experience coming to know his or her unique gifts, a senior word.

There were words given like - “befriend,” “lead,” “motivate,” or even to a dear friend who was somewhat lazy in his high school days - “work(!)”

My word was: humanize.

I remember how it felt when I heard it. Like receiving a surprise present to carry with me into my adulthood. 

This word has been coming to me a lot lately.

There is a global need for emotional maturity and empathy. There is a necessary remembrance of the power to humanize more than divide.


Because there is a sharp agenda from the powers-that-have-been of othering. Shunning. Judging. A push to cultivate the self-destructive emotions of hate and anger and perhaps most poisonous of all inner wisdom - fear.

Do you find yourself getting caught in this at times? The idiocy of distraction through schemes of polarization? 

How easy it is to forget we are part of the same human family. How easy it is to forget we all live together on the same planet.
How easy it is to forget we are infinite beings having a finite experience. 

How quickly we can slip into high-horse egoic thinking and othering. 

Have you judged someone lately for their political beliefs? For their love of or aversion to mask-wearing? For how much they speak up on social media or how much they keep to themselves? For the way they’re making the best of this corona-time or for the ways they’re always negative and depressed? 

Have you been unkind to those you interact with regularly? Have you been unkind to yourself? 

Have you forgotten:

We. Are. Part. Of. The. Same. Human. Family.

When we pause to remember our power to humanize situations and interactions we gain tremendous power and perspective.

It doesn’t mean we can’t disagree with someone. Or have strong boundaries. It doesn’t mean we can speak our mind or passionately pray for a certain outcome. 

Please. Do your thing. 

But remember, everyone wants to be happy. Everyone is doing the best they can given the hand they’ve been dealt and the level of consciousness they currently possess. 

And if we want to see real changes to the human race. How about we start leading by example? 

Humanizing - quite wonderfully - is highly contagious.

Here’s to it spreading like wildfire.

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Joanna Andreae