Two Years a Mama

Two years of the most challenging spiritual boot camp with you as head counselor.

Two years of nursing.

Two years of waking up at night to comfort you.

Two years of outrageous nervous system stretching.

Two years of the sweetest sweaty-headed snuggles.

Two years of hearing you find and love your sound.

Two years of aura expansion and depth.

Two years of trusting my intuition above any other voice.

Two years of blue eyes and blonde hair (and folks wondering if I’m the nanny).

Two years of singing you lullabies and protective mantras.

Two years of understanding what conscious parenthood actually means.

Two years of meditating with you on or near me.

Two years of never napping in the car seat when we want you to.

Two years of disbelief at your radiance and capable heart.

Two years of reading you stories.

Two years of amazement as I watch you reveal your many gifts.

Two years of sacrifice and gratitude.

Two years of the highest privilege to be in your light beam each day.

Two years of the deepest love for you - Anam Cara - my soul friend - my son.

As I celebrate motherhood at this milestone, I can't help but think of how proud I am of myself and of how much I've grown. Most of this growth will go unnoticed by anyone else.

Growth like this doesn't come with a big pay raise or shiny new promotion. But it comes with the quiet knowing of my own inner achievement.

And it will be treasured in my heart forever.

Joanna Andreae