I am not your teacher

If you don’t meditate or want to meditate daily to clean out the landfill of the subconscious mind, I am not your teacher.
If you think astrology and moon days are silly woo woo BS, I am not your teacher.

If you think spending time amassing material wealth is more important than spiritual, I am not your teacher.

If you gobble up the mainstream narrative without a second thought, I am not your teacher.

If you don’t understand that everything is about frequency, I am not your teacher.

If you think my classes are expensive and you don’t want to pay to play, I am not your teacher.

If you think kundalini yoga is religious or you’re weirded-out by the sound codes of chanting, I am not your teacher.

If you let the outer world dictate your inner one, I am not your teacher.

I AM your teacher if you’re ready to try something new and you’re sick of the cheap payoffs of your misery.

I AM your teacher if you’re ready to circulate more energy through your system so you can do what you came here to do.

I AM your teacher if you want to learn more about energetic architecture and how mantra can completely change your field.

I AM your teacher if you want to find a technology to elevate and accelerate your growth.

I AM your teacher if you want to stop living from the head and move deeper into the heart.

I AM your teacher if you recognize that the time is now and now is the time.

I came here to teach and embody what it means to be in a state of victory - not to be distracted by the calamities of the age. If you’re interesting in getting on this train, I invite you to join us.

Joanna Andreae