Magnificent Monday | Episode 5

A hugging saint in D.C., a new facial yoga routine, and heart-healing to make your Monday more magnificent... 

A friend recently shared that Amma, "the hugging saint," will be in the D.C. area tomorrow and Wednesday. One of my teachers travelled to India to see this woman and said it was one of the most extraordinary meetings of her life. Here is her schedule and here is more info about her work. 

I'm going to be that weirdo walking down the street or driving making crazy facial expressions - but honestly I've noticed a difference in just a few days of trying some of these exercises

Summer is the season of the heart and of expansion. Join me for this heart-nourishing meditation - to be released on Friday evening.  

And speaking of hearts, I really enjoyed this article. 

I've been adding the moon juice delightful plant-protein powder to many homemade elixirs and loving it. Use this code for 20% off your purchase. 

I can't stop listening to this moving song.